Office location: 8160 W Union Hills #B202 85308

In person/telehealth options available!

Call: 602.425.0030

Individual, couples

or family sessions:

In person or telehealth available 

The Psychology Lab - Your Last Therapist

We provide individual, couples or group sessions. In these sessions we can work on a variety of topics such as infidelity, communication issues, first responder trauma, post traumatic distress, depression, anxiety, childhood issues, addiction issues, chronic pain, couple’s work, and even feelings of disconnectedness. Sometimes you may not even have words yet on what you feel like you need, that’s okay!

Our Services

The question is not why the addiction, but why the pain.

― Gabor Mete

We see with our brains, not with our eyes.

― Paul Bach-y-Rita

People react predictably, especially when they don't have time to think.

― Keith Ablow

Self-talk reflects your innermost feelings.

― Dr. Asa Don Brown

Ultimate horror often paralyses memory in a merciful way.

― H.P. Lovecraft

The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain.

― Gabor Maté

Welcome To The Psychology Lab

From the BlogLab...

Emotional, Therapy, Freedom
By The Psychology Lab 11 Apr, 2022
Emotional freedom technique (EFT), which people often refer to as EFT tapping, is an alternative therapy for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other conditions.
Polyvagal, therapy
By The Psychology Lab 11 Apr, 2022
Polyvagal therapy provides a physiological and psychological understanding of how and why people move through a continual cycle of mobilization, disconnection, and social engagement.
Cognitive, Behavioral, Therapy, CBT
By The Psychology Lab 17 Apr, 2020
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders, and severe mental illness.
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